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October 6, 2020

On the first Tuesday of October each year, the community usually gathers at the Junior High with LHPD for a night of fun to enhance the relationship between neighbors and law enforcement while bringing back a true sense of community.
Instead of gathering in person this year, the City of Liberty Hill is encouraging residents to do an act of service for others. Assist an elderly neighbor with yard work, prepare a meal for the family next door, or write a positive message in sidewalk chalk for your neighbors to see. Post a picture of your good deed on social media using #lhnno to keep the sense of community alive in Liberty Hill!

The Liberty Hill Police Department is happy to participate in subdivision drive-thru events. Please contact Julie Sullivan at (512) 515-5409 with requests.

Katie Amsler
Author: Katie Amsler

City of Liberty Hill Director of Community Engagement & Communications

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