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Contact Name(Required)
(Artists will receive important festival information from kamsler@libertyhilltx.gov. Please add this email to your "safe-senders" list, so emails don't go to Junk Folder.)
(Artists will receive minimal text messages related to reminders, setup, and emergency communications.)

(Invoice can be simple and should be payable by the City of Liberty Hill. Artists will receive payment at the festival.)
Max. file size: 40 MB.

New Vendors

If you have never been paid by the City of Liberty Hill, we need a W9 and Vendor Application Form to set you up in our system.
(W9 required for payment. Blank forms can be downloaded at https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/fw9.pdf.)
Max. file size: 40 MB.
(If you have never received a check from the City of Liberty Hill, you are required to upload a Vendor Application Form to get set up in our system. Download form at https://experiencelhtx.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Vendor-Application-Form.pdf)
Max. file size: 40 MB.

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