What is Grass & Roots?
Grass & Roots was created by the City’s Code Enforcement Department and is designed to assist Liberty Hill homeowners who are physically and financially unable to maintain their property to proper code compliance through a volunteer matching program.
Homeowners must meet one of these eligibility requirements:
- Low- to moderate-income and cannot afford to maintain property
- Physical limitations that inhibit residents from maintaining property
- No outside help to maintain property

Why is Grass & Roots Needed?
Communities with deteriorating properties may see an increase in crime rates and a decrease in property values.
Many times residents don’t have the means to correct the issues that plague their properties and just need a little help. Let’s unite as a community to help our neighbors in need and work together to make Liberty Hill a safer, more beautiful, and altogether better place to live!
Grass & Roots matches volunteers
to homeowners who qualify for assistance.
It not only saves homeowners from
being cited for violation of the city code and
possibly fined, it also helps keep Liberty Hill
neighborhoods safe, beautiful and blight free.
You can become an agent for positive change in
the community!
volunteer as an
Sign up to help a neighbor in need!
volunteer as a
Sign up as a team of 5 of more to help with larger projects!
Have you received a Code Violation and need help remedying the situation?
Liberty Hill is here for YOU!